
Dr. Bardha Citaku, MD

Dr. Bardha Citaku is a Medical Doctor, writer, and researcher specializing in women's health. With over four years of experience in this field, she has dedicated her career to advancing women's healthcare by working as the head of science at a holistic women's health company. During her
tenure, she has collaborated with renowned OB/GYN specialists from around the world on research topics ranging from infertility and PMS to endometriosis.
Through her work, she has gained an in-depth understanding of the unique healthcare
needs of women and has dedicated herself to providing effective, evidence-based

We sat down with Dr. Citaku to get her perspective on woman’s health and why so many still suffer from period related symptoms.

MIND SHINE: When it comes to PMS and hormonal health, what are some of the biggest myths and
misconceptions that you notice in your practice?

Dr. Citaku: Some of the biggest myths and misconceptions I notice in my practice regarding PMS and hormonal health include the idea that PMS is just in a person's head, that hormonal birth control is the only Treatment for PMS, and that menopause is a disease
rather than a natural transition.

MIND SHINE: Why do you think in this day of age so many women still put up with PMS and “bad

Dr. Citaku: Many women continue toput up with PMS and bad periods because they have been conditioned to believe that these symptoms are a normal part of being a woman, and that there is
nothing that can be done about them. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness and education surrounding hormonal health, and many women may not realize that there are effective treatments available to alleviate their symptoms.

MIND SHINE: What do you see as a main benefit of NEW MOON for women?

Dr. Citaku: The main benefit of NEW MOON for women is that it offers a natural way to alleviate PMS symptoms such as cramps, bloating, and mood swings. By using high-quality, all-natural ingredients, New Moon ensures that women can alleviate their symptoms without any negative side effects, making it a safe and healthy choice. Additionally, New Moon provides an easy and convenient way to manage stress, which can be a major trigger for PMS symptoms. By helping women reduce their stress levels naturally, New Moon promotes a healthier and more balanced menstrual cycle, improving overall quality of life for women.

Dr. Nicolette Natale, D.O.

Dr. Nicolette Natale graduated from Nova Southeastern University with her Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). Osteopathic medicine teaches physicians to look at the patient as a whole. They believe the body is a system capable of healing when given the right tools. For this reason, it is essential to take into account factors such as nutrition, sleep and relaxation, exercise, and stress when treating a patient. This ideology is the cornerstone and foundation of her medical philosophy and plays a major role in finding the right treatments for women seeking guidance on optimizing their health.

We sat down with Dr. Natale to get her perspective on woman’s health and why so many still suffer from period related symptoms.

MIND SHINE: When it comes to PMS and hormonal health, what are some of the biggest myths and misconceptions that you notice in your practice?

Dr. Natale: The biggest myths and misconceptions I come across is that PMS and hormonal health issues are factors that can only be treated using pharmaceutical medications. These tools have their role, but often looking at the bigger picture can help us make more minute changes that can have a substantial impact on hormonal issues and PMS symptoms. 

MIND SHINE: Why do you think in this day of age so many women still put up with PMS and “bad periods”?

Dr. Natale: Many women are often afraid to seek out help and guidance on troublesome symptoms due to negative experiences they may have had in the past. Maybe health care providers they reached out to did not provide a feasible solution to their issues. There’s this notion that women need to just tolerate symptoms monthly, but actually there is often a way to restore balance and find relief. 

MIND SHINE: What do you see as a main benefit of NEW MOON for women?

Dr Natale: Natural products are often a perfect first step in
finding hormonal balance for women. Once we restore balance, patients start
feeling like themselves again! New Moon is a natural product with safe ingredients that can help ease common symptoms of painful periods. The ingredients have been shown to help decrease muscle cramping and lower inflammation, which often culminate in uncomfortable symptoms. The use of New
Moon, under the guidance of a health care professional, can be a natural way to find relief and end the monthly cycle of pain.

Dr. Afifa Maryam, MD

Dr. Maryam graduated as a doctor from Near East University in Cyprus. Throughout her medical studies, she worked closely with women as the National Officer in the medical student association's Standing Committee on Reproductive Health and Rights, including HIV and AIDS, hosting various female health awareness campaigns and women's rights campaigns. Following graduation she founded her own public health education not-for-profit, which works tirelessly to educate the public about health concerns (men & women included). Because of her involved interest in women's rights and health, she has been working on her residency exams for OB/GYN programs at the same time. Apart from her professional accomplishments, she likes painting, writing, and participating in active sports.

We sat down with Dr. Maryam to get her perspective on woman’s health and why so many still suffer from period related symptoms.

MIND SHINE: When it comes to PMS and hormonal health, what are some of the biggest myths and misconceptions that you notice in your practice?

Dr. Maryam: I feel that women all across the world have been taught that they have no control over their PMS symptoms. Despite this, research and experience show that with an effective dietary and lifestyle adjustment, women may regulate at least the intensity of their symptoms.

MIND SHINE: Why do you think in this day of age so many women still
put up with PMS and “bad periods”?

Dr. Maryam: We live in a culture that has been so disconnected from nature and its healing abilities for so long that we have either forgotten or are blind to the healing powers of nature. The dependence on allopathic therapies exclusively produced a dramatic gap in the health industry and generated an atmosphere of limited natural resources and as a consequence pushed women to put up with "bad periods".

MIND SHINE: What do you see as a main benefit of NEW MOON for women?

Dr. Maryam: The most significant advantage I feel New Moon provides for women is its healing ability to utilize natural and gentle
ingredients. Women are sensitive and nurturing individuals, and their needs should be addressed with delicacy. I feel the synergetic balance of elements in New Moon is ideal for synchronizing their internal chemistry.